Peak to Peak Wood handled website design, publicity and also day-by-day operations of the novel public sort yards for Peak to Peak Wood in Colorado's Front Range. handled website design, publicity and also day-by-day operations of the novel public sort yards for Peak to Peak Wood in Colorado’s Front Range.

Peak to Peak Wood was a novel forest utilization project for which we created three sort yards that could be accessed by members of the public in creating defensible space around their homes in Colorado’s wildland-urban forest interface. These “Red Zone” areas were difficult for foresters and firefighters alike, even before the mountain pine beetle infestation, but creating different scenarios for sort yards in three different Colorado Front Range counties was also a challenge. In the end each of the counties had a different setup.

Sage Biz Web, set up the initial CMS website (then a Plone) site, which allowed participants from each of the counties to participate in updating information. The project was featured on CNBC, Denver’s Channel 9 and by print media up and down the Front Range. The resulting SEO was enough that wood from these sort yards, for the most part, found buyers as far away as Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas.